Dear friends, This month, the ultra-nationalist Ad Kan group launched a vicious campaign against HaMoked. The campaign specifically targets our work against punitive home demolitions. We hope you will join us in taking a firm stand, both against these collective punishments and against the attempts to intimidate and silence HaMoked. It is a principle of every modern legal system that we are each responsible for our own actions, and cannot be punished for the crimes of our relatives or our neighbors. Israel does not respect this principle in its response to acts of violence committed by an individual Palestinian. Following an attack, it issues a demolition order against the family's home, cancels work permits for the extended family and imposes a closure on the entire village. In several cases where the attacker was from Jerusalem, the Interior Ministry is attempting to revoke Jerusalem residency status from family members.
HaMoked stands at the forefront of the battle against these collective punishments. We are petitioning the High Court of Justice against every punitive demolition order, and pushing for a principled re-examination of the legality of the policy.
The military itself has questioned the effectiveness of punitive home demolitions. Yet in the current public climate, there is little distinction between legitimate security measures and measures that can more aptly be categorized as vengeance.
Ad Kan's campaign has personally targeted HaMoked's board members and our attorney litigating the home demolition cases. Alongside the incitement and intimidation, the campaign is explicitly intended to harm our sources of funding.
This campaign will not deter us. The best response to these attacks is to redouble our efforts on behalf of Palestinians' fundamental rights. I invite you to make a donation to HaMoked to show Ad Kan that a broad community stands with human rights defenders and against collective punishments. Sending best wishes for the New Year,  Jessica Montell