Dear friends, This month, four Palestinian families are threatened with demolition of their home. Their only “crime” is that they are related to those suspected of the recent killing of a young Israeli man.
HaMoked stands at the forefront of the legal battle against Israel’s punitive home demolitions and we need your help. This policy is a blatant collective punishment, negating the fundamental moral principle that an individual cannot be punished for crimes committed by others.
Five years ago this month, Israel renewed its practice of punitive demolitions after a ten-year moratorium. This despite doubts raised by the military itself regarding the effectiveness of punitive demolitions as a deterrent – the official rationale for the policy – as well as their morality and legality.
Our up-to-date timeline highlights the key legal and political developments regarding punitive demolitions from 1945 until today. The timeline is the primary source for researchers, policymakers, journalists and all those working against these demolitions.
Sincerely,  Jessica Montell Executive Director of HaMoked