Center for the Defence of the Individual - HaMoked to the Appeals Tribunal: the decision to revoke the status of the relatives of the Armon HaNatziv attacker, in a swift and unfair proceeding, stems from extraneous considerations and is in complete contrast to the law
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HaMoked to the Appeals Tribunal: the decision to revoke the status of the relatives of the Armon HaNatziv attacker, in a swift and unfair proceeding, stems from extraneous considerations and is in complete contrast to the law

Some days after the attack at Armon HaNatziv, which took place on January 8, 2017, 13 relatives of the attacker received Ministry of Interior notices about the intent to revoke their status in Israel on the pretext that there was “information suggesting several of your extended family are suspected of association with ISIS organization and involvement in terrorist activity”. The relatives were summoned to a hearing ahead of the revocation of the status, to be held on the following day!

Following HaMoked’s objection to the Minister’s planned summary act, the family was given a week’s time to prepare for the hearings ahead of the revocation of their status. HaMoked stressed in the written arguments that the Minister’s decision was in complete contrast to the law; that is was an unreasonable and injurious decision, given for extraneous reasons, while critically violating the relatives’ basic rights.

Despite that, on January 25, 2017, the Minister of Interior announced he had revoked the status in Israel of eleven members of the family; thus far, HaMoked has received revocation notices concerning five of the seven relatives it represents.

The notices, sent at the end of a speedy and unfair proceeding, announce that “A meeting has been held between the Minister of Interior and security officials. In the meeting, information was presented whereby several of your extended family are suspected of association with ISIS organization and involvement in terrorist activity, and therefore there is a security concern over your continued presence in Israel”. In effect, this means that the Minister of Interior has decided on the draconian and irreversible step of revoking the status of a person – whose entire life is rooted here – solely based on a suspicion, ascribed to unidentified persons.

Following the Minister of Interior’s vindictive decision, which constitutes collective punishment, HaMoked filed urgent appeals with the Appeals Tribunal on January 26, 2017, to prevent the relatives’ deportation from Israel and cancel the wrongful decision.