10.08.2008|Judgment|Judgment / Supreme Court
AAA 5569/05 - The Ministry of Interior v. 'Aweisat et al. Judgment
HCJ rejected State's appeals against Court for Administrative Affairs' judgments regarding the interpretation of regulation 12 of the Entry into Israel Regulations, and the definition of a "resident of the Area" in the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) 5763-2003. The judgment focuses on the status of minors who were born in Israel to resident parents, but appear in the West Bank population registry despite their center of life being in Israel. The Court interprets the term "resident of the Area" according to the original version of the temporary order, before the amendment which added appearance in the West Bank population registry to the definition. Although not asked to do so, the Court rules a minor's registration may be denied under certain security related circumstances concerning himself or his family.